Monday, March 16, 2009

Ok, so just a warning. I smashed my middle finger on my right hand two nights ago. So any typos involving the letters j,u,i,o,k,l,n,m, or the comma and period? Not my fault! It just hurts to type properly, though I am trying. Any other typos, I will take full responsibility for. Grammar? Now that's out the window, because I refuse to fix the above dangling preposition. Ok... I will take full responsibility for any other typos. Happy?
And photos on flikr are being turned as we...erm. type. Hoxton is done and I'll get to Cambridge in a minute.

So where was I? Somewhere in the Cotswolds, it was pouring down, Dad and I were bickering. Right

So the next day(Thursday?), we stayed in the same area. We saw a huge iron bridge. Apparently, it was built by a Quaker, so he stipulated that the Royal Family would always have to pay a toll, just like everyone else. There's a picture of Prince Charles in about 1970 paying a half penny to cross. Pretty amusing. I'm sure that there's some think about the wonders of the Industrial Revolution, blah blah blah. Me? I'm concerned with the juicy stuff. We then moved on up to Coventry, where we saw the cathedral, which is a modern building. The church, St. Micheal's, was bombed during the war, and they didn't rebuild. So this is one of the newest cathedrals I've ever seen. Right as we got there, three police (they were really community support officers) had to escort a man out. As he was leaving he said "you're not going to arrest me, are you?" which was amusing. But no, they promised they wouldn't if he went with them. Then we found a place to stay for the night. The lady at the desk directed us to a thai place "up the slip road, past the barrier that isn't really a barrier because it's broke, across the highway, and up the road." And let me tell you. Best Thai ever. Really. Even better than TV. Dad said so, too. It was like walking right into Thailand. I'm still having cravings for it. And it was in the middle of nowhere!
Friday, we headed to Norfolk, with a brief stop in Cambridge. It was a really nice day, and we saw King's College and Trinity college. We took pictures of all the flowers and pretty architecture. Then we went to Norfolk and met up with our friends Alan and Sarah. They are super nice. If you'll all recall, I went up to see them a couple weekends ago. It's not as worrisome when your parents are there, too. We went for a drive along the coast, and I showed off my amazing memory. Every time we go up, Alan askes us similar questions, and I got them all right. Bam! I am so good! Even Mom said so.
On Saturday, there was a steam gala in the area. Yup. A steam gala. Care to ask me about steam engines? Because this weekend, I went to the steam museum in kew. So I've been immersed in steam for an entire week. The original steam engines pumped water out of mines because England has a high water table, so it's hard to keep everythign dry. The original pumps had an efficiency of about .5%. Then James Watt came along.... never mind.
The steam gala was a ton of steam trains. If you're really interested, ask my dad. He likes that stuff, and will talk your ear off. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Saturday afternoon, mom and I left dad and ventured out with a friend. I took a nap in the car. Then we went to her house and made dinner. I read a book. Can you tell I had reached my socialibily quota for the week? No? Well, then.
Sunday, we headed back for London. The Transport Museum has a repository of all their additional vechicals and stuff in Acton, and it's only open once or twice a year. And guess what? This just happened to be the weekend! So we went and looked at old tube cars and buses and stuff. And then a hurricane swept through, and mom and I thought it would be a good time to leave. Turns out that half an hour later, the curator of the museum gave a talk on the posters of the Underground. Which is what I'm doing for my research paper. Wow. Talk about bad timing. Or Karma. I'm still wondering what I did wrong.
So that was Spring Break! Everyone else went to Amserdam, which was wet and not fun. So I ended up having a better time, I think.
This last week in class, we went to Hoxton, which is an artsy area. As you might guess from the pictures. It was nice to walk around. I love our Global City class because so far, we've only been in the class room three times. It's a good way to see the city and go places we wouldn't usually go. Tomorrow, we're going to a mosque, and all the girls have to cover their hair. Apparently when the group went last year, it turned into a rant about the evils of western culture. So we'll see how this goes. I'm afraid that my professor doesn't go out of her way to focus on positive Islam, instead she feeds into the stereotypes of fundamentalism. It's a bit worrying. I'd rather just talk about the Sufis. Good old Sufis.
Anyway! My laundry is almost done, so I'm off. Go enjoy my pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Becca,
Started to send an email to Mary Mac, and the thought:Let's look at hydeparkgate first. Enjoyed you overview of Spring Break with Parents. Enjoyed the whole thing acutally. Enough, gonna send the message to Mary . Her B.D. is tomorrow the 23rd. Love,