Wow. What a weekend. As most of you probably know, I am not one for bunking off. As in, I honestly cannot remember a single time in the last 10 years of my academic career when I have decided to ignore pressing academic matters in favour of extended leisure activities. I mean, yeah I'll go on a hike one day of the weekend, but I'll always come back feeling slightly guilty, and make up for in the next day. (I have been informed by many reliable sources that tendency makes me, alas, a Stick In The Mud.) It's just not how I operate.
On the plus side, I do have a shining academic record to show for it.
But, dear internet, I'll tell you a secret. I went away this weekend. I did no work what so ever while I was gone. I watched several movies (most featuring Colin Firth). I ate more than I thought was physically possible. I took dogs for walks. I went to the beach in the pouring rain and driving wind to play with said dogs. I drank more tea, wine, and gin than was probably advisable (especially the tea). I made dirty jokes that made even the heartiest of Yorkshire girls blush.
And you know what was the best part? I don't feel guilty one.bit. Not one ounce, not one teensy tiny smidgen. When I got home last night, I sat down and busted out 800 words, and today I'm over half way done with one essay, and a good third way into another. And I still have two weeks to finish them. I think in the last 12 hours I've been more productive than I would have been the whole weekend.
And I feel great.
Good on ya, mate! momster
I'm glad! Everyone deserves guilt-free fun sometimes! And see how productive it made you in the end? "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" and all that :)
What Samara said. Also, you went to the beach with a dog?! I am so jealous!!
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