Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm taking my computer to the in-laws today, so posting will remain erratic, and photos may be rare. But I'll see what I can do. There will be at least one wrap-up post, as I still have a load of laundry to do. 
I thought I'd give you a little glimpse of my travels for the next month:
Start off in Dublin, with a stop over in Belfast
Then on to Barcelona
Up to Paris, with a side track to Giverny
Over to Bruges, followed by a day or two in Amersterdam
Then across to Berlin
Down to Prague
Down and across to Rome
A ferry over to Athens, a day trip to Delphi, and a few days on Crete
Back up to Venice, then gradually across to Budapest
Pretty crazy. I'm very, very excited. It is going to be a great, whirl-wind trip, but Greece will be slow and easy. 
Alright! I'm off to the see the in-laws. It will be a good day, me thinks. Though the trains may be packed, given that half of London has the weekend off. 

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